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Shanxi medics conduct free medical services in Cameroon

Time:2023-04-26 16:05

The 22nd China (Shanxi) medical aid team to the African country of Cameroon recently held a free clinic event in Yaounde, Cameroon's capital city. 

Eight of the medical aid team's doctors provided more than 650 free consultations and treatment services at the event. The team consists of experienced doctors that specialize in acupuncture, internal medicine, ophthalmology, and anesthesiology. 

Additionally, the medical team donated a batch of medicines and protective materials to local residents. 

China has sent 736 medics in 22 groups to Cameroon since 1975, when the first group was sent. Apart from Yaounde, the 22nd medical team to Cameroon also gave aid to patients in Mbalmayo.

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