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Shanxi factories receive national recognition for green manufacturing

Time:2024-01-15 09:44

Thirty-one green factories and one green industrial park in Shanxi province have recently been included into China's green manufacturing list for 2023, which was issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. 

Green factories are those that have achieved land use intensification, harmless raw materials, clean production, optimized waste resource utilization, and low-carbon energy. The core focus of these factories is on creating an environmentally-friendly production process.

The selected enterprises in Shanxi have embraced the concept of green industrial development and played a demonstrative role in green manufacturing. 

The ministry will implement an "Enterprise Green Code" pilot program for green factories. This program aims to quantitatively evaluate and assign codes to green factories. 

This further guides green factories to continuously improve themselves, strengthens the cultivation and dynamic management of green factories, and leads to continuous green development in the manufacturing industry.

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