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Tourism Routes for World Heritage Tourist Attractions

Source: Eshanxi-English Time: 23 08,2019

World Heritages Tourist Attractions in Shanxi
Currently, there are 43 World Heritage sites in China, including 3 in Shanxi, which are Yungang Grottoes, Wutai Mountain and Pingyao Ancient City. A large number of ancient streets, historical blocks and traditional buildings are like historical books and archives, recording the vicissitudes of history and witnessing the development tracks of history. The three world heritages are attracting worldwide attention with their unique glamour. Welcome to Shanxi! You will be touched by the smiling Buddha in Yungang Grottoes, attracted by the solemn and sacred Buddhist culture of Wutai Mountain, and intoxicated by the original traditional features of Pingyao Ancient City! Touch the vivid history with your eyes, listen to the voice of the past with your ears, and feel the truth, goodness and beauty of this charming hot land with your soul!

Classic Route: Yungang Grottoes – Wutai Mountain - Pingyao Ancient City