Welcome to Jincheng
Nine Female Immortal Lake
Source: www.shanxichina.gov.cn

The Nine Female Immortal Lake Scenic Area, 30 km from Jincheng City to the east, 20 km from Yangcheng County to the west, is one of the important natural scenery tourist attractions in Jincheng City. The Nine Female Immortal Lake is named by water storage into lake after the "Nine Female Immortal Stand" which is one of the Eight Ancient Views of Yangcheng, and "Yanhe Spring" which is the best spring in Shanxi. Its subject landscape is the Craggy Peak and Slack Water formed by intercepting the water channel of Qin River by using a hydroelectric dam, the lake surface is as long as more than 10 km, with a total area of 13 km2. Sceneries are everywhere in the scenic area, it generates a deep and remote sight at every step, and there is the Nine Female Immortal Lake standing in the water as the mainstay; there is the large urn-like, unfathomable Black Dragon Pool known as the "Eye in the Sea"; there are the colorful and flourishing White Cloud Cave and Goddess Temple hang on the cliff: there are Jiandanyin, Sanmianluo, Sangidui, Niupi Cave and other cultural relicts; there are bumpy, breathtaking flowing springs in small gorges for whitewater kayaking; there are self-help rock climbing, even the Duhe Dam with flying snow fall, a Rail Bridge high up in the air, etc.



Beiliu Town, Yangcheng County, Shanxi Province

Best time to travel

The end of March to early November

Travel Tips

Just take personal items to go, accommodation is available near the scenic area

Welcome to Jincheng

Shanxi People's Government Foreign Affairs Office (2017) All rights reserved

Address: Jincheng City chariot Street No. 431 |  TEL:86-356-2025508 |  Email: jincheng@sxfoa.gov.cn